Title goes here;
Voter Registration (NY Forms)Register to Vote — English and SpanishDownload NY Registration Forms Absentee BallotsAbsentee Ballot Request FormDownload Absentee Application Descargue la Solicitud para Voto en Ausencia (Español) Voter ResourcesWestchester County Board of Electionshttps://citizenparticipation.westchestergov.com New York State Board of Elections https://www.elections.ny.gov Election DistrictsThe New York State Board of Elections has an excellent website for registered voters. This site confirms your regular polling place address, and gives you which Election District you live in within the Town of BDFD:https://voterlookup.elections.ny.gov/ |
You can look at this map of the Town of Bedford and see in which Election District you live:
Polling sites for the 18 districts in the Town of Bedford are listed below. If you are not sure where to vote, call the Town Clerk’s Office, (914) 666-4534 (Town Clerk’s office assists in local elections).
Bedford ED# | Location | Notes and Map link |
1 | Bedford Presbyterian Church,44 Village Green, Bedford, NY 10506 | |
2 | Bedford Presbyterian Church,44 Village Green, Bedford, NY 10506 | |
3 | Katonah Elementary School,106 Huntville Road, Katonah, NY 10536 | |
4 | Bedford Hills Community House,74 Main St, Bedford Hills, NY 10507 | |
5 | Bedford Hills Community House,74 Main St, Bedford Hills, NY 10507 | |
6 | Katonah Village Library,26 Bedford Rd, Katonah, NY 10536 | |
7 | Katonah Memorial House,71 Bedford Rd Katonah, NY 10536 | |
8 | Katonah Elementary School,106 Huntville Road, Katonah, NY 10536 | |
9 | Town House,321 Bedford Road Bedford Hills NY | |
10 | Bedford Presbyterian Church,44 Village Green, Bedford, NY 10506 | |
11 | Bedford Presbyterian Church,44 Village Grn, Bedford, NY 10506 | |
12 | Bedford Hills Community House,74 Main St, Bedford Hills, NY 10507 | |
13 | Bedford Presbyterian Church,44 Village Green, Bedford, NY 10506 | |
14 | Town House,321 Bedford Road Bedford Hills NY | |
15 | Katonah Village Library,26 Bedford Rd, Katonah, NY 10536 | |
16 | Katonah Memorial House,71 Bedford Rd, Katonah, NY 10536 | |
17 | Bedford Presbyterian Church,44 Village Green, Bedford, NY 10506 | |
18 | Town House,321 Bedford Road Bedford Hills NY | |
Welcome to the Bedford Democratic Party, P.O. Box 801, Bedford Hills, NY 10507 |
Website comments to tnygreen@alumni.princeton.edu. Page last saved 27-Oct-2023. Today is 3/6/2025 6:08:43 AM ET |