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Bobbi Bittker
Bedford Town Council Member

Bobbi Bittker was first elected to the Town Board for a four-year term, 2020-2023. It’s important to Bobbi to build community and improve transparency so there is a mutual relationship between residents and their local government. Her priorities include supporting and revitalizing our business districts, keeping town infrastructure strong and using taxpayer dollars carefully to maximize the quality and quantity of services. She takes the threat of the climate crisis seriously, and governs through that lens. Bobbi welcomes ideas and feedback from constituents and is eager to hear from folks in town.

She moved to town in 1993 to join her then fiancé Aric who was raised in Bedford. They first lived in Katonah, then settled in Bedford Hills where they are raising their three children, all educated in the Bedford Central Schools.

Bobbi has been active with the Bedford Democratic Committee since the mid 1990s, becoming a District Leader. She has volunteered on campaigns for Democrats on all levels of government and continues to do so.

Bobbi received her B.A. in Sociology from Brandeis University, and her J.D. from Quinnipiac University School of Law.

Local Public Service

  Town of Bedford Prison Relations Advisory Committee member
  Bedford Central Schools, V.P. Fox Lane Middle School Assoc., 8th Gr. Moving Up Chair
  Katonah Bedford Hills Volunteer Ambulance Corps, Emergency Medical Technician.
  Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson, Troop Leader, Silver Award Mentor.
  Bedford Community Theatre, Advisory Board member.
  Bedford Hills Woman’s Club, member.
  Bet Torah Synagogue, Director/Executive Committee, Sisterhood President, Youth Commission and Nursery School Board Chair.

Legal Work and Public Service

  American Bar Association, Co-chair Civil Rights Social Justice Section committee.
  ABA Human Rights Magazine, Editorial Board.
  Mazzoni Center for LGBTQ Health and Well-Being, Philadelphia, Director.
  New York State Bar Association, Committee on Civil Rights.
  Westchester County Bar Association.

Welcome to the Bedford Democratic Party, P.O. Box 801, Bedford Hills, NY 10507
The Bedford Democratic Committee is a registered Political Action Committee (PAC),
legally allowed to accept financial contributions under New York State Election Law.
Our membership and meetings are open to any registered Democrat in the Town of Bedford.

Website comments to tnygreen@alumni.princeton.edu. Page last saved 27-Oct-2023. Today is 10/22/2024 12:00:13 PM ET